Praise for Every Purchase Matters
“A phenomenal read, with so many wonderful stories and lessons from the leader who built the Fair Trade movement. Paul Rice reimagined a more sustainable approach to how products are sourced, making it easier for us all to care for farmers, communities, and the land. Whether you’re a conscious capitalist or a concerned consumer, this book is a must read.”
— John Mackey, co-founder and former CEO, Whole Foods and New York Times-bestselling author of Conscious Capitalism
“A day will come when every farmer, shepherd, and worker in the world will be honored and compensated for their unstinting labor and bounty, and Fair Trade is one of the reasons why. Paul Rice has led this movement to restore dignity, equity, and fairness to farmers and workers everywhere. Every Purchase Matters is both his moving story—as a leader with a heart of gold—and a cris de coeur that echoes powerfully in a world that is coming to realize that fairness and justice for farmers are the bedrock of a just and durable civilization.”
— Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, and New York Times–bestselling author of Regeneration, Drawdown, and Carbon, The Book of Life
“Paul Rice has been working for decades to make supply chains fair and sustainable —a more critical issue now than ever before. He’s got much to teach the world. Every Purchase Matters is full of insight and inspiration.”
— Jacqueline Novogratz, founder and CEO, Acumen and New York Times-bestselling author of The Blue Sweater
“Fair Trade has done more than any other movement to improve the lives of the people who make our favorite products. Paul Rice has written the fascinating story behind Fair Trade, and shows us why, indeed, Every Purchase Matters. Read this book!”
— Dan Buettner, founder, Blue Zones, National Geographic Fellow, #1 New York Times–bestselling author, and producer of the Emmy Award–winning series Live to 100
“Every Purchase Matters is a powerful testament to the transformative potential of ethical consumerism. With gripping stories and actionable insights, this book shines a spotlight on the interconnected roles of farmers, companies, and consumers in driving social and environmental change. Paul Rice’s work inspires us all to see the ripple effect of our choices and to embrace the profound impact we can make in building a more equitable world.”
— Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 executive coach and New York Times-bestselling author of The Earned Life, Triggers, and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
“At Madewell and J.Crew, we are committed to caring for all of our people, including those across our global supply chains and in the communities where we operate. Fair Trade gave us a chance to lean into this important work—because it proved that doing good is good for business. Every Purchase Matters will show other companies how they, too, can take that next step—and that they should take it as soon as possible.”
— Libby Wadle, CEO, J.Crew Group and apparel industry thought leader
“In this engaging book, Paul Rice reflects on his lifelong mission to connect farmers, companies, and consumers through Fair Trade. A natural learner and innovator, Paul shares inspiring examples of creative problem solving to reengineer value chains for social, environmental and economic sustainability.”
— Kathleen McLaughlin, Chief Sustainability Officer, Walmart